Thursday, July 10, 2008

One Final Thought...Really

Okay People,
One request. Can we keep this thing going throughout the school year? For the last few years I have been wanting to stay in contact... but you know the deal. So, if we simply visit the site once in a blue moon, things would be so cool. I hereby pledge to attempt to possibly visit this site at least, withing reason and in consideration of my extremely busy schedule, once a week. This could be a great support system when we don't want to burden or involve our colleagues. Is that okay?
Cool Beans.


Anonymous said...


I love this idea. I hope others do, as well. I'm game.

And BTW, we ended up not going out tonight (Thursday) because of the storm and wanting to finish our work for class, but do plan on going out Friday night, if you're interested. At least Josh and I will still be around...

lady_a said...

So Don,
what about this here request, huh??

I'm up for the challenge!

and, btw (that's "by the way" in text-speak), I'm using blogger for the UWM course I'm teaching, too!

And I'm setting my seniors up on blogger tomorrow...but they'll be through my other account:
if you want to check out their stuff...maybe our students can do stuff together!