Thursday, July 10, 2008

Final Project

Preface: Okay, so Jeff and I were talking about Blogs and their possible usefulness in our classes. Because of this conversation, I decided that I would attempt to implement the use of Blogs with my students since we are getting a fancy/schmancy new computer lab at school. I decided that this "lesson" or system fits in with much of our discussion on the natural form of language with and without standard conventions and the use of both to help students succeed.

Some of the difficulties with this idea might be with the have and have not situation. Not everyone will have a cell phone or computer. The cell phone thing could be addressed, in my case, with simply letting my students use my phone to input the text poem. The computer situation might be alleviated with the use of school or library computers if students do not have one at home.

At any rate, the use of cyberspace, as Amylia pointed out, allows us the advantage of communicating freely. Our job would be to remind the students to be mindful of how language works.

Materials: Cell phones, computers, classic and contemporary literature texts, and Hip Hop and Spoken Word performances and lyrics.

This particular setup can be considered a LESSON in name, but it establishes a SYSTEM that can be continually revisited in my classroom, especially with the fortunate establishment of a full blown computer lab in my beloved school!

We speak often about freedom to think and freedom to write and freedom of expression for our students in our classrooms. So, why not simply take that freedom and harness it to technology.

The 160 character poem that inspired imaginative twisting of writing conventions combined with the need to come up with concise and astute observations is an exemplary exercise in discovering and owning the language of the 21st century…who doesn’t have a cell phone?

Lesson Number One: We are going to take on the classic and sometimes seemingly overused “Who I Am”-“Where I’m From” poem and add a twist: Text Me With the Piece, and possibly “find peace within that piece.” (I have unlimited texting, Verizon Family Plan, and I intend to use it.) Poetry and lyrics and Hip Hop and Spoken Word are Powerful and Cathartic and can become quite a natural outlet for self-expression. Within the limitation of this medium, the students must produce an original and ultimately creative work.

Through this lesson we address home language, school language, work language, and the evolution of language from written to typed and everything in between. This leads into discussions of Language as Power where we can discuss the old and overused and somewhat intimidating texts as Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Great Expectations where we discover that each of these texts illustrate how language puts us in our place or determines where we land in that societal hopscotch game. We look at the conventions and how we can use them or circumvent them in order to advance ourselves in a society where form and convention and conformity to a particular set of rules is imposed upon us and expected by all.

Additionally, we would look at various cultural Creation Stories from around the world inculding Judeo Christian, Native American(North, Cenrtal, and South American), African and African American, Asian, Southeast Asian,etc. We would look at how some creation is determined "by the word", or how things are determined by language and its power. Furthermore, the discussions will lead to more inquiry about language and the concern by many that the loss of traditional language leads to loss of culture. This is powerful stuff and leads right into the idea of language and writing as a vehicle for discovery and expression of self.

Lesson (or System) Two
Web Logs, or BLOGS!

This is a space where we are free to express ourselves to those we know and those we want to see our thoughts and ideas.

We will set up Blogs through one of a variety of services and run with it. The beauty of the blog is that it allows for personalizing a blog page with those things that inspire us i.e., images, videos, text, etc. We are allowed to be unchecked and uncensored and to be free to experiment with that same language that can empower us as much as enslave us. How do we use it? We take advantage and strengthen our knowledge of conventions as well as test the waters of our creativity.

The blog system allows for feedback from peers as well as the instructor in a trusting and supportive environment.

I plan on using the computer lab where we can research other spoken word and poetry performances, likely download the links, and respond to them as well as emulate them: Imitation is the highest form of flattery and a great way to experiment with technique and voice while creating original work.

Furthermore, I want to have the students listen to and respond to a number of awe-inspiring artist, and not so awe-inspiring. We will listen for pleasure, message, theme, motif, influence, criticism, etc., and then respond immediately to this. The Anonymity of writing on the computer in cyberspace will help to produce a natural and honest response without restrictions on language and form (don’t get me wrong, my students will know conventions and rules). This situation takes the form of a basic reading/response exercise I use with a variety of reading materials. The students will simply read, listen, or watch the chosen medium and then respond personally in writing. This can either be done before or after the discussion of the piece. In either case, the material holds its own influence on the student and allows of personal interpretation and connection. I expect the logs to be lively, frequently visited, and personal.

One element of this exercise is for students to be able to contribute to the material presentend in class. They will enhance my curriculum with their suggestions for artists and performers. This approach leads naturally to the element of student empowerment and voice.

Note: this setup is inspired by a combination of literature and discussions in my C & I Class focusing on the language and from the Hip Hop Spoken Word Teacher Institute where we looked at language as liberation and expression.


Jeff said...

Very cool, Don. I like how you consistently combine social awareness and art in your lesson. The students in your classroom are getting their money's worth.

Let's keep in touch: I like the idea of having a linked blog list for our separate classes/schools. Some interesting things could come out of that...

Anonymous said...

Awesome. I hope you do this! I love how you never had a blog before and now, three weeks later, you're considering using what you learned this summer and incorporate it into your classroom. You're a wonderful teacher and I love that you never allow yourself to become totally complacent, ever challenging yourself as a teacher, father, writer, man and human being.

Thank you for simply being you.

Let us know how this goes come fall...

lady_a said...

I love the 160-character poem! LOVE it!
see you next summer, Don!